• sabbirenterprise1100@yahoo.com
  • Hot Number: 01711988769

CEO Message

Chairman Message

Many of our customers are leaders in their industries and at Sabbir Enterprise we understand what it takes to stay ahead. We’re determined to create Business. As being industry leader, associate of business forum and voluntary organization we have a track record of creating shareholder value across the business cycle. Our clear strategy drives our strong results and positions the Group for further growth. We put our strategy into action through our three strategic value drivers: • We are passionate about our performance • We invest in our high-quality, low-cost assets • We work with our customers to find innovative solutions Our long-term success is dependent on our ability to integrate sustainability across the business. Our strategic approach enables us to better respond to the key risks and opportunities associated with global challenges such as climate change, degradation of ecosystems, resource scarcity and population growth. We believe that being part of the solution to global challenges will secure the long term success of our business and the well being of our communities and other stakeholders. The strength and depth of our leadership team and the quality of our employees across the Group play a fundamental role in the delivery of our strategic priorities. I believe in creating an environment that stays focused on performance, while encouraging new ideas that bring real value to our business and our customers. I find it truly encouraging to see how so many teams across the Group are doing exactly that – looking at what they are doing and asking how they can do it better. With people like this in our business, I have every reason to be very optimistic about our future.

Mr. Saber Hossain

Chairman, Sabbir Enterprise